December 23, 2017

Trash to Treasure? Plastic Model Finishing Kit

This is a post in a series related to One Man’s Trash…

I used this plastic model finishing kit when I was a kid. I’ll just leave it at that. We don’t need to say how long ago that was. I don’t need it anymore but there are some useful things in there. Even the enamel paints might still be usable. I tried giving it away for free on a Facebook group but I had no takers.


I thought the paints would look good in some photos.


I never tried any kind of in-home studio shooting. I just looked up some information online. I wanted to go cheap and only had to purchase a few items. Here’s what I used:

  • 2-3 yards of black fleece as a backdrop (purchased)
  • Clip-on light (purchased)
  • Piece of clear lexan plastic for reflection (purchased)
  • Black board to put under the lexan (had it from a picture frame)
  • White styrofoam blocks as a light reflector (had them laying around)


One thing I learned is that lexan plastic collects a lot of dust. At first I wasn’t removing the dust so I had to remove it in post processing. This wasn’t too hard because of the black background but was almost impossible in the areas of the reflections. Then I started removing the dust before shooting but more would keep coming. There was probably some static electricity involved.


I also need need o practice more with arranging the objects and light placement.

Here are some more of the images. I’m still not sure how to get rid of this kit. Let me know if you have any ideas other than the trash.




