July 30, 2016

Lesson - Create Social Media Accounts Early

This is a short one. When I first created my business for my side project, I didn’t create all of the social media accounts right away, mainly because I wasn’t ready for people to look at it yet.

But once I did get around to it, I created a Facebook and Twitter accounts. The names of my business were still available as account names without having to change anything. But I got to instagram later on. And someone had already created an account with the same name I used on Facebook and Twitter. A girl’s picture was in the profile and there were no posts yet. Now more than a year later, still no posts. My business name is not a girl’s name or any person’s name. I can’t tell when the accout was created but I’m willing to bet it was created sometime after I created the business. Maybe it was in the few days after creating account for Facebook and Twitter and before I looked at Instagram. So I had to modify my first choice of account name there. My fear is that people will look for my bussiness on instagram with the wrong account name.

Lesson: Create all the social media accounts you might use at the same time you register your domain name.